"Madison's First Choice in Real Estate"





                First impressions will affect the sale of your home.  Before that potential buyer arrives at your curb,

                CARTERIZE it.  When you do these things you will improve the "curb appeal" of your home and make

                that all important "FIRST impression".


                Clean the yard from street to back property line and the house from front door to back door.


                Apply a fresh coat of paint to the exterior doors, spot paint any needed outside surfaces.


               Remove any additional cars off the property.


                Trim hedges, shrubs, and weed flower beds.  Place a planter of flowers near front door.


                Ensure all appliances are clean and in working order.


                Remove clutter from kitchen counter tops.   


                Inspect the yard and house every two or three days.


                Zap all closets


                Eliminate family pictures, go ahead and pack them.



Carterizing your house will go along way in building curb appeal and will enable the prospective buyers to visually take ownership in their minds.                       

In addition you should remove valuables, cash and prescriptions.  Please turn off the TV and remember most buyers prefer to view a home while you are not present. 


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